Friday, March 3, 2017

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Trinity also is home now to similar groups of conservative Lutherans and Presbyterians who also broke from their larger denominations over similar issues. "It's for missional reasons that we're collaborating, not economic," said Rev. Thompson referring to other seminaries that merge to cope with declining enrollment and funds. "We have our theological discussions and dust-ups, but we're learning from each other and that's been rewarding." Rev. Thompson, a former pastor who has been on the Trinity faculty since 1997 after nearly two decades in parish ministry, succeeded the Very Rev. Dr. Justyn Terry in May 2016 as interim president and was named permanently to the post in December. The seminary was formed in 1976 amid an evangelical renewal movement, using the name Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. Its mission was to provide conservative training for those wanting to go into the Episcopal ministry but believing they'd spend their seminary years on the defensive at a more liberal seminary.

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The veteran comic was made a knight by Prince William in honour of his decades-long showbiz career and charity work. Sir Ken, who became an OBE in 1982, is still touring with his Happiness show at the age of 89. Famed for his wild hair and infamous "tickling stick", Sir Ken said he was "delighted" by กระเป๋าสตางค์ ไซส์ใหญ่ the honour. Media captionKen Dodd was knighted by Prince William "One of the happiest things is the joy and pleasure it brings to your family and friends and then you say to yourself it is a great honour and I just hope I'll be worthy of it," he said. Born the son of a coal merchant in 1927 in Knotty Ash, Sir Ken has been a comedian since 1954. In the 1960s, he made it into the Guinness Book of Records for telling 1,500 jokes in three and a half hours. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption He was made a knight by the Duke of Cambridge Image copyright Getty Images Image caption He was famous for his wild hair, buck teeth, Diddymen and infamous "tickling stick" His talent led to shows on the radio and television and a recording career, with his signature tune Happiness released in 1964. His single Tears was the third highest-selling song of the 1960s in Britain behind, beaten only by two Beatles songs. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption In 1989 he was cleared of tax evasion He said he has got "the best job in the world" because he only sees happy people... laughing". He added: "I won't hang my tickling stick up, till I have to." Image copyright Getty Images

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